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Hold on! Not only for roasting you.

We also have a social platform for you to bring all your original characters to life - this is Existence!

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This is Existence - Creative Communities for Digital Life


Existence is dedicated to creating an immersive virtual world that fulfills the social, creative, and imaginative needs of young users. In this digital space, users can interact with their favorite fictional characters and popular media personalities.

Who is Existence for?

Our target audience is young people who experience loneliness due to a lack of meaningful emotional connections in their real-world social environments.

Why Existence?

While virtual companion products have proven successful in both the market and with users, existing solutions still have limitations. Existence aims to innovate in community engagement and user interaction, providing a superior experience for our users.

Light Existence Logo

This is a community of co-creation

Here you can use the tools provided by the platform to bring your own original characters or favourite anime characters to life and give them a β€˜soul’, allowing them to chat and interact with you. In addition, by downloading the plugin you can interact with these digital characters in real time in all browsers.

White Existence Logo

Our Vision

Helping young people around the world find meaning in their existence.